Kati's Blog

Friday, August 19, 2005

Sorry bout all the mixed pictures

ok- So having all of these pictures put on here without the actual dates... It's rather scrambled about. I think I've got some in here from 2 or 3 years ago... actually I think I might add those in a little while. All The France ones were taken in mid June to early July this year. All the ones that are last day of school were... the Last day of school as you guessed- 2005. We still had finals after that, but we didn't have to learn anything. Just tests to show we remembered SOMETHING. :) Nah! But it was fun all the same. Most of my friends and I have the same free period so it works out well. A lot of the pics on that day weren't taken by me- I dont know who. My camera was passed around between friends while I was there. Fun times :)


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