Kati's Blog

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mary and Haley Posted by Picasa

:) Posted by Picasa

 Posted by Picasa

Laura's eyes have a very pretty color... Posted by Picasa

portraits... Posted by Picasa

gasp! Scandal! Posted by Picasa

Side view of her most gorgeous dress Posted by Picasa

 Posted by Picasa

Bein Pensive Posted by Picasa

lol. attempt at looking pensive Posted by Picasa

Pssshh. You want some of this? Bring it Posted by Picasa

Laura being cool Posted by Picasa

Off center, but that's ok, because it's still a good pic Posted by Picasa

Models  Posted by Picasa

hott (with 2 t's) Posted by Picasa

Charlie's Angels Posted by Picasa

*shhh...*  Posted by Picasa

Happier version of the last Posted by Picasa

Both of us right after we walked into my house Posted by Picasa

Kacie!!! :D Posted by Picasa

Laura being absolutely gorgeous again Posted by Picasa

Laura @ Indochine. A woman came up and told her that her dress was the best she'd seen out of the whole restaurant. Raisa was saying, "damn Laura. We look like we're going to prom. You look like you're going to the Oscars" Posted by Picasa

Raisa and Laura trying to take a pic of themselves by themselves... :) Posted by Picasa

Michael and Meg. Also cute together :) Posted by Picasa

Good one of all of us I think. Everybody's there but Kacie... who is the photographer Posted by Picasa