Kati's Blog

Monday, September 15, 2008

I think the statue thing is frickin creepy. It just... floats...

Oh, Europe.

I found some interesting photos from Europe Last Summer. Raisa and Laura decided it would be a fun endeavor to attempt to make a fro out of my hair. This is what came out of it... Do not use photos without my permission. That means You! lol - fun times.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Allo! Posted by Picasa

Robbie! Posted by Picasa

Hug! Posted by Picasa

Allo! Posted by Picasa

Charlie's Angels Posted by Picasa

Asians... fun times :) I look ridiculous, but waddaya gonna do Posted by Picasa

our one suicidal angel Posted by Picasa

I kinda got thrown out of that one, but SarahAnn, Robbie and I again :-P Posted by Picasa

SarahAnn, Robbie and I Posted by Picasa

Kacie and Whit - SarahAnn's arm Posted by Picasa

Kacie and Meg Posted by Picasa

Kacie and Whit cracking up at something Posted by Picasa

lol - Robbie looks quite confused. Posted by Picasa

f'sho. Kacie and I Posted by Picasa

SarahAnn and Robbie Posted by Picasa

gangstas foreva Posted by Picasa

scandal! hehe - sarahAnn and I Posted by Picasa